Song quotes

"There's nothing but a silence sound at the foot of the hill"

"Peace to the fashion police, I wear my heart"

Movie quotes

"We are the already dead, Little D" From Furiosa

Insightful quotes

"Life has never rewarded me for hating it."

"As you become an adult, you realize that things around you weren't just always there; people made them happen. But only recently have I started to internalize how much tenacity everything requires. That hotel, that park, that railway. The world is a museum of passion projects."

"Just wait until they have children; you'll never hear from him again. Look, life is tough and it's busy. Most of my lifelong friends never reach out to me. I make it a point to text all of my friends on their birthdays, but none of them do it for me. I know I'm busy and exhausted and can't maintain friendships, I know they're the same way. But I've literally made it a point, put birthdays in contacts so I get reminders, and I send a text to just let them know I'm thinking about them. I just had my birthday, and no friends texted at all (some family only). Putting peoples' birthdays in your calendar and texting them is literally the least you can do to let people know you still care about them. I feel like I'm putting forth such a tiny amount of effort, and yet nobody else does shit. And these are people I've had wonderful relationships with, and if we saw each other tomorrow it would be a glorious reunion. We live in a crazy, isolated, capitalist hellhole where you have to hyper-focus on your individualism. You need to cut the people you love some slack because otherwise you just become another cog. It's only going to get worse as you get older and get further from the real relationships you had with these people, but that's just the way our society is constructed. It's sad and it just fucking sucks. Focus on meeting and loving new people who fit better into your current lifestyle, and don't mourn them too hard if/when they dissipate. Enjoy the great times you've had with great people, and just keep growing."

"Lore cannot be engineered in the same way marketing can be. While you can shape lore as it emerges, it is a matter of subtle gardening and curation… Lore is something you witness, and attempt to shape as it emerges, if it emerges, not something you design and execute… You can only recognize and institutionalize."

Close one of a Japanese dies and they let out a deep sigh.

There are these two young fish swimming along and they happen to meet an older fish swimming the other way, who nods at them and says "Morning, boys. How’s the water?" And the two young fish swim on for a bit, and then eventually one of them looks over at the other and goes > "What the hell is water?"

"How you spend your day is how you spend your life"

"Giving is more joyous than receiving, not because it is a deprivation, but because in the act of giving lies the expression of my aliveness."

"Kindness is forged in fire."

"Art is not the art, art is never the art, art is inside you at the moment you're creating and inside the beholder of the creation."

"As a mildly self-disciplined person myself, I really don’t understand why we need to be so fixated in becoming this mostly unattainable, predictable, hard to maintain, yet boring and repetitive super-version of ourselves. The only thing that’s good for is to show off to others how undisciplined and bad they are. Moreover atomic habits and all these “philosophies” are based on a profound misconception or rather a disingenuous marketing tenet—that your life is not “better” yet only because you haven’t followed this or that new improved step-by-step recipe for happiness. Life is a messy dynamic system constantly veering towards instability. It’s better enjoyed in its complicatedness and unpredictability, not by living by a strictly structured code of conduit that will make you feel like shit when the aforementioned messiness will inevitably throw a wrench into your illusion of a well-oiled machine."

"In theory yes. But the opposite can also lead to inflation.

Raising wages causes inflation by companies raising prices because the metric to calculate the price of a product changes when consumers get richer, namely the "how much are they willing to spend" metric. If the customer is willing to spend more, charge more. Thus, inflation rises. However, lowering wages causes inflation because people are buying less, and therefore companies are selling less, so therefore have to raise prices to break even. Of course there are other things they can do like the infamous "shrinkflation", wherein the price remains the same, but the size of the product decreases.

Basically, it's a bit rough and nebulous... unless either reach a critical level, there is no point worrying about whether wages are going to cause inflation, because in all likeliness, they're probably not...

A great example is right now. The economy is in a very weird position that it hasn't really been in before. Obviously we are in a period of high inflation. The trick governments around the world use is to tighten money through measures like raising interest rates and an easing of supply shortages to start. This round of inflation is mostly due shortages (chips, cars, labor, some commodities). If that doesn’t work then a recession will be engineered to dampen (or reverse) wage growth, ease demand, and in effect reset the economy. Historically periods of high growth lead to inflation and the only tried and true way to stop it has been to cool off the demand side through some form of austerity.

The problem is, wage growth has been stagnant for at least a decade... And austerity has been in place for many people already... And shortages are mostly gone, but prices have not gone down... so there is "nothing to reign in"... It's already at the lowest point it can go, and we're still inflating... So governments around the world are basically asking people to accept a massive L for yet another decade, while coincidentally corporations are raking in massive profits. Basically, you can't apply austerity to people who already have the austerity debuff... That causes lots of problems.

Lots of governments ignored this though, and decided to press on with Austerity 2.0 (or even 3.0+ in some countries) making people poorer, angrier, and more radical. Which sounds like "okay, this sucks for everyone. But it could be a necessary evil, right?" Well, maybe... But then you realize that pretty much all corporations are posting record profits... The rich are certainly getting richer. So why aren't we?

What I'm trying to say is, the usual tricks governments have isn't going to work, because the people they do the trick on are already milked dry. Attention has turned to the greed of corporations as being the cause of the inflation, and of course, politicians are hesitant to act and punish the rich and powerful... Because they're rich and powerful... And of course, every day people are gaslit into advocating for faceless billionaires because... ???? So there isn't even a majority national feeling anywhere that greed needs to be reigned in... "

Lighthearted quotes

"Python packaging is dead simple. You just define your package in requirements.txt,, setup.cfg,, pyproject.toml (although this one has two different ways to declare dependencies), and/or Pipfile. You then use pip, pipenv, virtualenv, venv, virtualenvwrapper, pyenv, pyenv-virtualenv, pyenv-virtualenvwrapper, poetry, and/or conda to install and manage the package."

"This is why I throw away 90% of resumes at random without even looking at them, I only want to hire lucky people."

"What are you doing, stepmotor?"

6-year old French kid at the park, smoking a fag - "I could go to the monkey bars, but what's the point? Life is meaningless anyway."

A kaleidoscope of noncohesive bullshit and random thoughts throughout the day. Its easier to say nothing that it is to say all that to "how are you?"

"What a trooper, guy is so fucking vanilla that he looped around and came out the other end as a freak."

"Life is just one big wipe anyways" - playrust

"When life gives you dumpster fire, forge your steel in it."


There's nothing but a silence sound at the foot of the hill