Jam's memorywarehouse's raison d'être

Here stands a place to dump my thoughts, for inditing forces one to make sense of their thoughts so that others may understand them too.

Reading is art.

Reading is the examination of the written word.

Reading is the measure of education.

Reading is how intelligent speak to one another.

Reading is foundation to writing.

Writing is how one makes sense of life.

Writing is how one expounds their world.

Writing is the shared power of mind and language.

Writing is art.

Alli Lunter (The shitty translation from estonian is by yours truly)

Mõttelao raison d'être

Siin on koht kuhu valada oma tunded ja mõtted, sest nende kirjasõnasse panemine sunnib neid korrastama nii, et ka teised neist aru võiks saada.

Lugemine on kunst.

Lugemine on kirjasõna avamine.

Lugemine on harituse mõõdupuu.

Lugemise on kaudu räägib tark targaga.

Lugemine on kirjutamise alustugi.

Kirjutamine on elu mõtestamine.

Kirjutamine on oma maailma avamine.

Kirjutamine on keele ja meele ühisjõud.

Kirjutamine on kunst.

Alli Lunter


There's nothing but a silence sound at the foot of the hill